Saturday, September 21, 2013

Analytics education... What is the best way to get ideas across?

While trying to figure out what to do in life, I am in the process of exploring the analytics education space. Given my background in this space, and the goal of retiring into this job, I have been thinking about this for a while. However I have not done a whole lot till in this space other than do some trainings in a haphazard manner till the beginning of this year. 

I am a firm believer in the idea that if you want to learn something you need to teach it (hopefully to a bunch of interested folks). I have developed some perspectives on what it takes to be a good business analyst and there is significant element of business inputs needed for that. However the quantitative element is very important as business intuition takes time time to develop. The focus on this element is minimal though in most education programs until recent times. MBA programs are now introducing more rigorous quant subjects and can actually make a full time quant MBA a possibility soon. Is it possible to make it better now? It feels like it should be available in college also and not just in specialized MBA programs.

In the interest of my personal journey, I have decided to do a couple of things. Take a step back and do some learning. I have signed up for a couple of topics in Coursera to see how it feels to learn something in a new world. I might be challenged also from a pure discipline perspective but I will need to try. The second thing that I am trying to do is evaluate different mediums from the perspective of analytics learning. My particular interest would be in quantitative subjects but this will be an interesting experience for me to explore other areas also as there will be significant learnings that I am hoping to get. These different mediums span the breadth of technology from the plain classroom to the Android / Windows / Iphone app. There seems to be a sea change in this world from the time I studied many of these subjects.

I have been talking to the director of a leading MBA education institution in Bangalore about conducting training at their location. This scenario seemed like a good place to start looking at how outsiders take to analytical education as compared to insiders. (My perspective is when you pay for it, you are more than willing to learn but if it is free then who cares - I am a shining example of this). A colleague of mine introduced me to a company that does coaching. I need to see how that will work out but I am struggling to get my thoughts on my future in order. It looks like there is some potential to do some interesting stuff there too. 

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